Journey Management is a field that encapsulates many different industries, but depending on specific needs there may not be a one-size-fits-all solution. Rather than having companies worry about things that may not be applicable to them, a Trip Risk Assessment is conducted for every specific journey. While drivers may be comfortable with getting to and from their destination, there are a number of factors that may be out of their control, such as weather and road conditions.
What is a Trip Risk Assessment?
A Trip Risk Assessment is a process outlining any potential hazards an employee may encounter while on a journey, but it's not only limited to ensuring that they get from point A to point B safely. All steps of the journey are considered, such as loading and unloading materials, getting into and exiting the vehicle, and ensuring the vehicle is properly maintained. When the steps are defined, a list of potential hazards is developed, with preventative measures to avoid them.
When it comes to a journey, no one wants to think of the worst-case scenario, but by identifying risk factors, everyone can know exactly what to do in the case of a specific situation arising.
What are some questions you should ask?
As every industry has its own idiosyncrasies, there is no master list of questions that are applicable to every journey for every business. The following basic questions set a baseline for determining your trip risk score.
Are road and weather conditions suitable? While weather is not something any of us can control, road travel can be hazardous when there is falling or accumulated precipitation, especially in the winter months. Larger vehicles don't have the maneuverability of cars, making such conditions significantly more dangerous to travel in.
Have you driven this route before? A person who is familiar with a route is more likely to arrive at their destination safely and on-time.
Will this journey only involve daytime driving? Nighttime driving brings with it significantly reduced visibility, and other drivers may not be alert behind the wheel.
Will the total journey between destinations be less than 14 hours? Some people absolutely love to drive, but after such a long time behind the wheel, it can't be argued that fatigue can be quick to set in. Having to focus on doing a single thing for 14 hours is incredibly difficult, if not impossible, even if breaks and stops are sprinkled throughout.
Have you had at least 8 hours of sleep in the last 24 hours? If a driver is fully rested before they begin their journey, they are significantly less likely to be involved in an accident or other incident.
Based on the answers to these questions, the trip risk score can be calculated, which is a numerical value relating to how safe the journey would be to undertake. Completing a Trip Risk Assessment allows both the driver and their company to better understand the inherent risks that may arise during their particular journey.
If you're interested in Journey Management services, or would like more information about Trip Risk Assessments, please don't hesitate to get in touch with us!
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